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viernes, 30 de junio de 2017

TV and Cine Entertainment

TV and Cinema Entertainment

The big and small screen is a reference to the television and cinema, both of them are a type of entertainment. These types of entertainment are used by us to have a good and enjoyable moment, or just to help us to kill time. Through the television and cinema we can watch series, animated short films, movies, etc. And these types of entertainment are also divided in a lot and varied group of sub-categories.
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Some type of movies and series are the cartoons, cartoons are not exclusive for kids, but there is a bigger amount of kids that enjoy cartoons and their stories than oldest people. Cartoons are usually in the comedy and fiction category. Most of the cartoons are designed to be fun and less serious so that people can laugh and smile while they watch cartoons, obviously there are always exceptions.

We can also mention the series of young adolescents, these type of series are about the daily life of adolescents mixed sometimes with some fantasy or a hyperbole tone. Most of these series are acted by real actors and cartoons didn`t take part in these programs. These series have a lot of comedy but they also include the romance and a part of reflection regarding the problems of life.
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If we talk about the cinema we can see a clear similarity, because the most significant difference between television and cinema is the format and way in which the entertainment (movies,series,etc) is viewed, the rest is just the same. As well as in music, we can also find art and beauty in the world of cinema and television, but surely you already knew that. In conclusion the television and cinema are a way of entertainment but they are also a type of art that is divided in different categories.

viernes, 23 de junio de 2017

The World of Music

The World of Music

Resultado de imagen para what is classical musicMusic is an indispensable part of the daily life of people nowadays, this means that  there are a lot of ways in which people can express their feelings, ideas and thoughts through music. Therefore because of these differents ideas and feelings there will be a lot of different music styles, and these types of music will have a story to tell and a rhythm to follow and enjoy.

We can talk about a lot of famous musical composers, but I think that people do not make music, music makes people and because of this reason we have to know the different types of music more than names of composer, so we will start knowing about one of the most famous types of music which is the classic music.

Resultado de imagen para what is classical musicClassic music is serious music following long established principles rather than a folk, jazz, or popular tradition. In this type of music we found the symphony, concerto, and the sonata. For some people this music is kind of boring, but for a true musician this is a true art of sounds and harmony that is put together in a masterpiece.

Music is a huge world that needs to be discovered, the human doesn`t discovered all the posivilities in this beautiful wolrd yet. So now is your turn to discover the unknown through and instrument, through your voice or just through your ear. And remember that all kind of music is beautiful not because of it`s intention but because of it`s nature.

martes, 6 de junio de 2017

Having a Pet, by David Santizo

Having a Pet, by David Santizo

During the human history the people have learned how to tame animals for their benefit, but there are other people who go beyond simply using animals as a tool. These people start to have animals just to take care of them and to have the satisfaction of see their own animals in their houses, farms or in any place they chose for the animals to dwell in.

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Having a pet means a lot of things, a pet is not only an animal you are going to keep, but a companion. Through time and problems you will creat a great and strong bond with your pet, He or she is going to care about you as you care about she or he, therefore you have to give always the best  of you when we talk about your pets cares and conditions.

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There are a lot of animals you can choose to be your campanion to the day to day. You can choose between different breeds of dogs or cats. But if you prefer a smaller companion you can choose a hamster or other types of roders. You can also choose a reptile which are really clean and calm animals. So there is a lot of animals that could be adapted to your way of life and conform to your tastes.

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So what are you waiting for? Go now and look for your own mate, because life is easier and happier if you share this path together with someone. And remember that animals are living beings as you, theredore treat them in a good and correct way, only then you will feel the joy of having a pet. These great living beings are a gift from God, don`t lose the opportunity to get this gift.